最近在網路上看很多鄉民都很推薦【2018熱銷商品】 [106美國直購] 吸塵器 Neato Botvac D5 Connected Navigating Robot Vacuum - Pet & Allergy -超怕買不到的
看了【2018熱銷商品】 [106美國直購] 吸塵器 Neato Botvac D5 Connected Navigating Robot Vacuum - Pet & Allergy -超怕買不到的覺得好心動,不過我再買任何東西之前一定會做好功課,
於是開始上網查了許多【2018熱銷商品】 [106美國直購] 吸塵器 Neato Botvac D5 Connected Navigating Robot Vacuum - Pet & Allergy -超怕買不到的 文章、開箱、評價、心得分享等資訊後,
Neato Botvac D5 Connected Navigating Robot Vacuum - Pet & AllergyUltimate control from your phone. Use the Neato App to start, stop, schedule, and Receive notifications on-the-go. Plus find me! for easy robot location
D-Shape by design with side brush and corner clever Tech. Cleans close to walls and deep into corners - the way you would
Precise laser smart navigation scans, Maps, and methodically cleans your floors, instead of just bumping around
Ultra performance. Spin Flow Power Clean, Combo brush, Extra large dirt bin and ultra performance filter give you clean floors everyday. Ideal for homes with pets and allergies
Automatic multi-room cleaning. Cleans entire level of home, goes back to base to recharge and resumes cleaning until the job is done. Works on all floor typesFrom the ManufacturerThe High Performance, LaserSmart Precision Navigating Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum
Botvac D5 Connected is a high performance, navigating, connected robot vacuum. LaserSmart technology provides methodical navigation as it cleans room-to-room, recharging automatically to complete the entire floor. Great for homes with pets and allergies. Use the Neato app to start, stop, schedule it to clean 7 days a week, receive notifications, and easily locate the robot, no matter where you are. Works on all floor types.In The Box
High Performance Wi-Fi Enabled Robot Vacuum.2018熱門產品網路熱銷產品
Integrated Charge Base.
Power Cord.
Ultra Performance Filter.
Combo Brush.
Side Brush.
Boundary Markers.
Brush & Filter Cleaning Tool.
All Neato Robot Vacuums Deliver
Precise LaserSmart Navigation
- Cleans room to room in a methodical, efficient path, finishing up to 4x faster than others.- Detects furniture and objects and navigates around them.- Returns to base automatically to recharge and resume cleaning until the entire floor is clean.SpinFlow Power Clean
- Potent suction & precision brushes leave floors immaculately clean.- Picks up dirt, crumbs and dust bunnies. Easy to empty extra-large dirt bin.- Best at picking up pet hair.D-Shape with CornerClever Tech
- D-Shape allows robot to get where dirt hides, deep into corners.- Main brush spans front of robot to achieve an efficient, 會員專屬優惠wide cleaning path.
High capacity Lithium-ion battery
Longer run time for cleaning an entire level of your homeAlways use Neato Genuine Accessories
Protect your Neato investment
- Ensure that your replacement batteries, filters, brushes and other components are Neato Genuine accessories. Accessories made by third parties may damage your robot or cause performance issues, and will also void your product warranty.- Get the most out of your Neato robot:- Charge your robot overnight before using it the first time.- Between cleaning cycles, keep your Neato robot charging on it's charge base.Product Description
Style Name:D5
The high performance, precise laser smart navigating Wi-Fi robot vacuum. Powered by a high Capacity lithium-ion battery, Neato BotVac D5 connected is a high performance, navigating, Wi-Fi connected robot vacuum. Methodically Navigates as it cleans room-to-room, recharging automatically to resume cleaning the entire floor. Great for homes with pets and allergies. Use the neat app to operate your robot 折扣情報銷售排行榜anytime, from anywhere. Works on all floor types.Product Information
Style Name:D5
Product Dimensions 12.7 x 3.9 x 13.2 inches
Item Weight 8 pounds
Shipping Weight 15.6 pounds
Manufacturer Neato Robotics
California residents Click here for Proposition 65 warning
Item model number 945-0228
Batteries 1 Nonstandard Battery batteries required. (included)網友超推網路人氣產品top10iRobot 機器人吸塵器和LG的吸塵器抹地機比較分析
1. iRobot 的機器人吸塵器設計成熟穩定,吸塵功能較LG的商品高出數倍。
2. iRobot 具有高效率的濾網,可以當空氣清淨機使用,LG則無此功能。
3. iRobot 是模組化設計,維修更換零件或者模組方便,這部分遠遠是LG所無法比擬的。
4. iRobot的雙膠輪的設計有較高的灰塵吸附力和清掃力。
5. LG吸塵器後面底部加個抹布,其實是一個噱頭,會有嚴重的後遺症,消費者不能不謹慎了解。
6. iRobot 的零件有數百家相容性的廠商供應便宜的相容性的零件或者耗材,而LG則沒有。
在網站中有團購網極力推銷LG的機器人吸塵器,號稱功能最佳。其實以我們銷售和維修機器人吸塵器十多年的經驗來看,LG的吸塵器設計是不成熟的。為何這樣說呢? 以下是幾點補充說明
a. 吸塵器後面底部加個抹布,不是一個新個想法,而是一個失敗的想法。因為它會降低機器的吸塵功能。因為抹布髒了你必須要人工去把它取下來清洗,否則它會把髒汙抹的到處都是。
b. 一般的機器人吸塵器底部貼個雙面膠或魔鬼氈也可以裝個抹布,但全世界為何沒有人這樣做? (LG除外)。 原因是效果不彰,反而會影像吸塵效果。吸塵器的主要功能是吸塵。
c. 你要吸塵時地板必須是乾的。LG使用時居然還用濕抹布,這根本是不可行的。就好比你要掃地前先對地板灑水,這樣你還能掃地吸塵嗎?所以市面上一般將機器人吸塵器和抹地機分成兩者設計,這就是主要的原因。因為你必須要先經過吸塵的過程後才進行抹地的。當然iRobot機器人吸塵後地板已經是一塵不染,你不去抹地也是可以的。此外像是沒有活性碳濾網的空氣清淨機,不用電的沖牙機都是玩具(沖牙機第一品牌還是waterpik),網友不必太當真。試想想,空氣清淨機主要是靠活性碳濾網進行除汙,沒有活性碳濾網的空氣清淨機還能叫清淨機嗎? 少聽館主在那裏胡扯,說甚麼隔一段時間用吸塵器把核心濾網的灰塵吸出來,這些都是笑掉人大牙的說法,專騙你的錢的。
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